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The Big Shift Global Campaign

Calling on all of the world's biggest public development banks to shift finance out of dirty fossil fuels and into sustainable, renewable energy to provide energy access for all.

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Sign the petition

Sign the AfDB petition

Sign African Climate Reality Project's petition targeting the African Development Bank during its Annual General Meeting

ADB action

Messages to the ADB

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) held its AGM from the 2nd to 5th May in Tblisi, Georgia. Members and allies of Big Shift were there to ensure messages from civil society urging the Bank to end fossil finance are heard.

[Photo credit: PMCJ]

Ajay Banga

Take Action

The World Bank is positioning fossil gas as a transition fuel. The Bank should champion the transition from fossil dependency to clean sustainable renewable energy, putting people and the planet first. The World Bank is lagging behind and so are its projects.

We have created this video to explain why gas is bad economics, serving private profits above public interests.

Please share now!

Our demands

Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) such as the World Bank manage billions of dollars of public money. They are key to financing the shift to a sustainable, renewable global energy system.

Multilateral Development Banks must:

  1. Phase out all direct and indirect finance to fossil fuels and promote a just transition.
  2. Significantly scale up investment in sustainable renewable energy and ensure everyone has access to clean, safe energy.
  3. Include strong environmental, social and governance safeguards relating to fossil fuels and renewable energy.
  4. Be transparent and accountable about direct and indirect energy finance and in measuring emissions from the projects they fund.
